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白聖弘(Ryan) 專案經理人 |
易興一購(股)有限公司,成立於101年5月,早期努力專注於國外開發的電子商務系統與企業相關的內部管理系統,硬體伺服器的架設與系統安裝Windows Server|Linux 系統,網路規劃和線路配置,電話總機安裝與線路配置,辦公室電腦維護與維修,希望未來能協助各企業與店家在網路資訊時代能有效的接軌,共創未來
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白聖弘(Ryan) 專案經理人 |
易興一購(股)有限公司,成立於101年5月,早期努力專注於國外開發的電子商務系統與企業相關的內部管理系統,硬體伺服器的架設與系統安裝Windows Server|Linux 系統,網路規劃和線路配置,電話總機安裝與線路配置,辦公室電腦維護與維修,希望未來能協助各企業與店家在網路資訊時代能有效的接軌,共創未來
Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain
CEO, Co-Founder
As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.
Interaction Designer
As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.
Sales Manager
As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.
Experience Designer
As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.
CEO, Co-Founder
As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.
CEO, Co-Founder
As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.